Tuesday, January 26, 2021

indoor colony

on 20 december 2020 i found this native berry plant with a battered bloom...still relentlessly trying to reproduce in the unseasonable warmth that month...
so i brought it in and palced it in the basement uner the lights...
and a couple of weeks into its stay it was verdant and growing robustly...
i discovered a flower bud on both the sixteenth and seventeenth of this month...
by the twenty-second and twenty-third respectively they had bloomed...
on the twenty-fourth i discovered a third bud which had begun to bloom by yesterday...
and today it is well on its way to being fully open...
i pollinated the first two with a cotton swab ( and made a stab at the third ) and the calyces are beginning to close around the red tinged blooms...we may have berries in a bit...we will be keeping an eye on it over the coming days...
not content to rely on the single mechanism of seed, the plants have begun to produce stolons as well as they work to establish daughter plants...ther will be a colony soon enough...one way or another.