Sunday, September 23, 2018

partial fall report

the jerusalem artichokes had died back tot he point they were not going to be feeding any more tuber growth so i decided to cut them down and clear the bed...and when i finished i thought to check on the two wild strawberry plants that had started the season there and see how they had fared competing with their gigantic ( comparatively ) neighbors...
the plant closest to the edge of the bed received much more sunlight and seems to have spent a good deal of energy in putting out stolons and daughters...
the one more interior to the bed spent more time on leaves than stolons...the exterior plant more than made up for that lack however...
which has produced ten clusters of daughter plants of varying size along the edges of the bed,at least one of which has escaped the confines of the bed with stolons of its own...they adapted and went where thew was sufficient light..
remember this past spring when the east bed looked like this? more...
they have multiplied beyond the initial thirty odd stolons i had counted in, i believe , may...
into the corners of the bed...
and have engulfed the tomato i planted this past spring in what was an open part of the bed...this bed it seems will be given over to asparagus and strawberries...hopefully they will cohabit peacefully...
finally, thought he new york imports stopped blooming in may, the native wild berries are soldiering on and will do so until october brings a hard frost...they are all "tough little plants".

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