Monday, May 13, 2019


the season is moving along in berrytown...the locals have joined the imports in blooming with their distinctive yellow flowers...
the potted plants i transplanted to replace the ones browsed by, i suspect, rabbits are greening up and working on roots rather than blooms...they will join in next year if we keep the bunnies at bay...
there are imports blooming in all the beds...and, in their passion for colonization, in places that might seem unlikely...
like this one that has taken up residence in the afternoon shade at...
the base of a a towering egyptian walking onion...good morning sun...shade in the blistering afternoon...and something of a predator repellent to boot...
we have stolons hanging in air waiting to touch ground and root...
and bold ones skirmishing with the jerusalem artichokes...staking a claim to the helianthus turf and even being bold enough to move deeper into the danger zone of perpetual summer shade...we will be re routing this one to a safer spot..."tough little plants" or not, this is one battle they will not win...they found that out last year...seem to have forgotten...we will pin them...we will pot them...we will keep them in the sun.

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