Thursday, May 16, 2019

"safe" is a relative term

as i have said, probably more times than anyone cares to have heard, strawberries are relentless are jerusalem artichokes...the sunchokes have the advantage of being native and getting to eight or ten feet in height with dense foliage that shades out competition...the berries are indeed "tough little plants" that can survive twenty below zero ( fahrenheit ) temperatures...but they won't beat the shade and while i intend to control the jerusalem artichokes as much as possible to provide the berries in the south bed all the sunlight i can this stolon was setting a daughter plant in a dangerous place and sending another even deeper into the it was time to move it to a "safer" place...
when i went to pick the stolon up i met some resistance because it had already begun to set root...we have interfered in the life of this plant in a timely fashion...
i moved it to a likely spot between another berry plant ( a transplanted potted one ) and some heart shaped leaves that indicate sweet clover which does not throw a lot of shade...
i took a small "v" shaped twig..with all the trees in the yard they are in ready supply...
and "pinned" the stolon tot he soil...firmly enough to hold it in place but not so forcefully as to damage the stolon..the stolon will continue on to produce yet another daughter...who knows where it will land..we will watch...we may pin it to a pot...we will see...
it is mid may, if you hadn't noticed...and may's pollinators have moved may's bloms along to becoming june's berries...the change is ongoing...we will watch that too.

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