Tuesday, May 22, 2018


there are stolons pinned in pots...
and headed off through the spuds towards the iffy environment of the jerusalem artichoke colony...
and that is just the two plants in the south bed...
not the stolonfest in the est bed where i will be pinning more daughter plants in pots before it is all done with...
even the smallest plant in the bed on the north end has decided to reproduce...i knew from our experience in growing domesticated strawberries in the old community garden on campus that the plants were enthusiastic producers of daughters...twelve plants there turned into twenty-one by season's end...yesterday i counted forty-four stolons out there...who knows how many there are today...i did not take a census...i will...eventually i will have to control this by cutting stolons...all perennials are invasive colonizers...some faster than others...i believe the jerusalem artichokes may have met their match...
on the plus side the berries are still cooking away.

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